Over a dozen protesters were at OPP Headquarters today in Orillia protesting anti-black violence.
OPP Sgt. Kerry Schmidt says it was near the General Headquarters parking lot.
Schmidt was one of the officers who spoke with them for awhile and says they were very polite and peaceful.
The protesters were asking others there to take a knee to support them.
Schmidt says he did.
“I was with them for a moment – I didn’t have much time to stay with them, but yeah, I took a knee with them and told them that we are all on the same side and our priority is public safety and we are trying to get that message out to our communities as well – that we are working hard to build bridges and make our community strong,” said Schmidt.
Schmidt adds that everyone has the right to protest and have their message heard.
Schmidt was attending the headquarters for meetings today and says OPP are working hard to build bridges with the community.
(Photo of OPP Sgt. Kerry Schmidt via OPP Highway Safety Division FB Page)