The Township of Muskoka Lakes is initiating a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Study to create a safe and reliable transportation system within the Township.
This master plan will strive to address the needs of all stakeholders, creating a vision for all modes of transportation.
“The TMP Study will consider and evaluate solutions to determine a safe, environmentally and economically sustainable, and efficient transportation network,” said Ken Becking, Director of Public Works. “Community input is key to the success of the TMP Study. If you have concerns over transportation in the Township, you are encouraged to get involved.”
The Study will identify transportation network constraints and opportunities and required infrastructure improvements and expansions to ensure the continued safe and efficient movement of people and goods. The TMP will form the basis of Township objectives to guide future transportation decisions. The TMP will include the development of transportation infrastructure that align with the vision and goals identified in the Township’s existing and ongoing plans/strategies.
For more information and to fill out the survey, please visit: engagemuskokalakes/transportation-master-plan.