The Gravenhurst Library is getting an interior facelift.
The work includes painting throughout the inside of the building, new carpeting on both floors, a new front desk to be fitted with sneeze guard protective shields, and new mobile shelving units on the main floor.
Being closed due to the pandemic is allowing for the work at the library which re-open to the public this fall.
The mobile units will house children’s picture books, juvenile fiction, audiobooks, large print books, and magazines. These will help make the space more flexible in terms of how it’s used.
The Library has also purchased a new point-of-sale system to facilitate payments by debit or credit card.
Copying services will still be offered but will be moved out of the public area to help address physical distancing requirements.
Once the Library re-opens, users will have a rejuvenated, modernized and safe Library space to come back to.
“We’ll be sharing sneak peeks and progress updates on the Library’s social media over the next few weeks, so we invite everyone to check that out,” says Megan Davidson, Library Clerk.
Funds for the project were approved by Gravenhurst Town Council, as part of the 2020 Capital Budget. The Library Board’s endowment reserve is being used to cover the costs of the new front desk.
While the Library remains closed to public access, the public is reminded that curbside pick-up of materials and the book drop are available.