When there’s something strange, in your farmers field, who you gonna call? Monkey Busters!!!!
Three women from small town Japan have gone viral for being a part of the “Monkey Busters”. Who are the “Monkey Busters” you ask? Well it all started when there was some monkey business was happening in local farmers fields. Several monkeys have been eating and destroying vegetables and other crops. After a month of this happening, the three retirees led by Masako Ishimura, took matters into their own hands. They grabbed their air guns and started scarring the monkeys away, and its been working!
A rural Japanese town under siege by monkeys is defended by three elderly women armed with airguns who call themselves the “Monkey Busters”. pic.twitter.com/ZIooj1wrov
— Belgrade (@Aeljik) August 26, 2020
And again, they’re using air guns that shoot compressed air, not bullets… They just want to scare away the monkeys, and they’ll keep doing for as long as it takes to save the farmers crops. I wonder this this will ever get made into a movie…